Kata Standards - Katame-no-kata

Katame-no-kata Standards

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Standardization of Katame-No-Kata for U.S. National Kata competition.

Reprinted, in part, from the United States Judo, Inc. National Kata Committee document of the same name and from the book Judo Formal Techniques by Otaki and Draeger.

NOTE: This outline of Katame-No-Kata (forms of grappling) is meant only as a simplified study guide based on the U.S.J.I. National Kata Committee's standardization for Katame-no-Kata.

•An excellent source of reference for the study of Katame-No-Kata is the book Judo Formal Techniques by Tadao Otaki and Donn F. Draeger, published by the Charles E. Tuttle Co., Inc., Rutland, Vermont and Tokyo, Japan.

•Another fine reference is the book Kodokan Judo by Jigaro Kano, published by Kodansha International/USA, LTD, Tokyo, Japan.

Beginning Movements

Kesa Gatame

Kata Gatame

Kami Shiho

Yoko Shiho

Kuzuri Kami Shiho

Kata Juji Jime

Hadaka Jime

Okuri Eri Jime

Kata Ha Jime

Gyaku Juji Jime

Ude Garami

Juji Gatame

Ude Gatame

Hiza Gatame

Ashi Garami

Closing Movements


Beginning Movements

Tori And Uke are 18 feet apart, facing the Kamiza (place of honor), with Tori on the left and Uke on the right side and begin by doing the following, simultaneously:

1.At a point just outside the red warning zone, Uke and Tori both perform Ritsurei (standing bow) to the competition area. Starting with the left foot then the right, they both walk, Ayumi Ashi, to the center of the competition area.

2.Uke and Tori both perform Ritsurei (standing bow) to the Kamiza in a closed posture (heels together and toes apart).

3.Uke and Tori turn toward each other. Dropping first to the left knee, then the right and then lowering their buttocks to their feet, into the Seiza position, they perform Zarei (kneeling bow).

4.Rising first to the right foot and then the left, Tori and Uke stand up in a closed posture and step forward, leading with the left foot then the right, and assume a Shizen Hontai (Fundamental Natural Posture).

5.Dropping to the left knee, both Uke and Tori assume an open Kyoshi No Kamae, or Kyoshi, (the open High Kneeling Posture with the thigh of the right leg at about a 45 degree angle, right foot should be forward).

6.Tori waits in open Kyoshi, and does not move, while Uke moves into a closed Kyoshi (right thigh forward, left knee and right foot spaced apart as in Shizen Hontai) and takes one Tsugi Ashi step forward and again assumes the open Kyoshi.

7.Uke places his right hand on the mat in front of his left knee and beside his right foot. Supporting himself on his left foot and right hand, Uke lowers himself to the mat, by sliding his right foot between his left foot and right hand, turning himself 180 degrees, coming to a sitting position. Uke then lowers himself to a lying position and raises his left knee and places his arms by his side.


Osae-Komi Waza

Kesa Gatame

1.Tori stands up, pivots in place 45 degrees to the right, and walks diagonally to the far position(5 feet from Uke's right side)(Toma), faces Uke, drops to his left knee and assumes the open Kyoshi.

2.Tori moves two Tsugi Ashi steps forward in closed Kyoshi and assumes the open Kyoshi at the Chikama (near position - about 1 1/2 feet from Uke).

3.Tori takes a short entry step toward Uke and, with the left hand palm up at Uke's elbow and the right hand palm down at Uke's wrist, Tori lifts Uke's right arm from the mat and pulls Uke's right hand under Tori's left armpit clamping the wrist against his own side with his mid upper arm.

4.Placing the right knee down and the left knee up, Tori lowers his upper body and places his right elbow on the mat against the side of Uke's upper right rib cage with the forearm and palm on the mat.

5.Supporting himself on his left foot and right forearm, Tori swings his right leg through the space between his own left foot and Uke's body and uses the leverage from this motion to lift Uke's upper body a bit and places his right thigh under Uke's right shoulder.

6.Tori applies and tightens the Kesa Gatame hold (Tori clamps Uke's right arm under his left armpit and Tori's right hand cups Uke's left shoulder to start, which signals Uke's 3 escape actions.

For Example:

1.Uke grabs Tori's belt and, as he bridges, tries to turn Tori over Uke's right shoulder.

2.Uke twists to the right, tries to put the right knee under Tori as he also pulls his right arm out of Tori's grip.

3.Uke grips Tori's belt, bridges, and tries to turn Tori over the left shoulder.

7.Uke signals defeat (Maitta), Tori disengages himself, coming up on the left knee and replacing Uke's arm on the mat. Tori retreats back the short entry step, and assumes the open Kyoshi at the near position. Tori takes 1 Tsugi Ashi step backward and assumes the open Kyoshi. Then Tori takes 1 Tsugi Ashi step forward and assumes the open Kyoshi.


NOTE: To signal Maitta (defeat), Uke taps Tori or the mat with the hand twice or the mat with either foot twice when the hands are not free.


Kata Gatame

1.From the near position, Tori takes the short entry step forward.

2.Tori's hands are in different positions on Uke's right arm for this technique only. While picking up Uke's arm the left hand is palm down and the right hand is palm up.

3.Tori picks up Uke's right arm, presses it against the right side of Uke's face (for control), as Tori raises his left knee and lowers his right knee to the mat against Uke's body. Keeping pressure on Uke's right arm, with his left hand Tori encircles Uke's neck wih his right arm and places the right side of his neck against Uke's arm. Tori clasps his left hand, stretches his left leg out, and applies the Kata Gatame hold which signals Uke's 3 escape actions.

For Example:

1.Uke places the palm of his left hand over his right fist, brings the clasped hand down against Uke's neck to create space.

2.Uke twists to the right and tries to put his right knee under Tori's hips.

3.Swings both legs up and over and tries a backward somersault over his left shoulder.

4.Uke signals defeat. Tori returns to the basic form and position, returns Uke's arm to his side. After putting his left knee down and right knee up, Tori moves back the short entry step to the near position and assumes the open Kyoshi.

5.Tori moves back 2 Tsugi Ashi steps in closed Kyoshi to the far position and assumes the open Kyoshi.

NOTE: To signal Maitta (defeat), Uke taps Tori or the mat with the hand twice or the mat with either foot twice when the hands are not free.


Kami Shiho Gatame

1.Tori stands, pivots 45 degrees to the left, and walks to the original position, facing Uke's head at the far position. Tori drops to his left knee, assumes the open Kyoshi and, after adjusting to the closed Kyoshi, moves forward 2 Tsugi Ashi steps and assumes the open Kyoshi at the near position.

2.Tori takes the short entry step forward, puts the right knee down, such that the knees are approximately even with Uke's ears. While bending forward, Tori reaches under Uke's arms, palms down, and, rotating his hands inward and upward, grips Uke's belt close to the mat. Tori pulls Uke in, clamps his elbows in and lowers his hips by spreading his knees with his insteps on the mat. Tori should have "live toes".

3.Uke tries 3 escaping movements.

For Example:

1.Uke tries to twist in the direction of the hand that he thrust under Tori's chin, in order to turn and come onto all fours.

2.Uke pushes both of Tori's shoulders and body back as he tries to bring both legs up and over to hook Tori's thighs to escape.

3.Uke bridges and turns to the right or left.

4.Uke signals defeat. Tori releases Uke, moving back a bit, raising his upper body and right knee. Tori moves back the short entry step and assumes the open Kyoshi at the near position. Tori moves back 2 Tsugi Ashi steps to the far position and assumes the open Kyoshi.

NOTE: To signal Maitta (defeat), Uke taps Tori or the mat with the hand twice or the mat with either foot twice when the hands are not free.


Yoko Shiho Gatame

1.Tori stands, pivots 45 degrees to the right, and walks diagonally to the far position. Tori faces Uke, drops to his left knee and assumes the open Kyoshi. Tori advances 2 Tsugi Ashi steps to the near position and assumes the open Kyoshi.

2.Tori takes the short entry step, picks up Uke's arm (left hand palm up on Uke's elbow and right hand palm down on Uke's wrist) and places it 90 degrees from Uke near Tori's left leg. Tori puts his left knee against Uke's armpit and his right knee against Uke's hip and grasps Uke's belt with his left hand, thumb in, at Uke's left side. Tori runs his right arm between Uke's legs and under Uke's left leg and seizes the belt with his right hand, fed by the left hand. With his left hand Tori scoops up Uke's right shoulder, slides his left knee under the shoulder, puts his left arm around Uke's neck and grabs Uke's left collar with his left hand, thumb in.

3.Tori tightens the hold and lowers his hips with his insteps on the mat. Tori should have "live toes". Uke attempts 3 escaping movements.

For Example:

1.Attemps Kansetsu Waza on Tori's left elbow, pushes the left side of Tori's neck or head, and brings the left leg up and over his left hand.

2.Turns to the right and tries to put the right knee in and pull out the right shoulder.

3.Uke grabs Tori's belt with both hands (his right forearm against Tori's abdomen) at Tori's left side and tries to turn Tori's body over his left shoulder while bridging.

4.Uke signals defeat. Tori releases Uke with left knee on the mat and right knee up and, with left hand on the elbow and the right hand on the wrist, returns Uke's arm to the side. Tori moves back the short entry step to the near position and assumes the open Kyoshi.

5.Tori moves back 2 Tsugi Ashi steps to the far position and assumes the open Kyoshi.

NOTE: To signal Maitta (defeat), Uke taps Tori or the mat with the hand twice or the mat with either foot twice when the hands are not free.


Kuzuri Kami Shiho Gatame

1.Tori stands, pivots 45 degrees to the left, and walks to the original position, facing Uke's head at the far position. Tori drops to his left knee, assumes the open Kyoshi and, after adjusting to the closed Kyoshi, moves forward 2 Tsugi Ashi steps and assumes the open Kyoshi at the near position.

2.Tori takes the short entry step, in a diagonal direction, toward Uke's right shoulder side. Tori picks up Uke's right arm with the left hand at the elbow and the right hand at the wrist. Tori guides Uke's arm under his own right armpit with his left hand (near Uke's elbow) and slides his right hand under Uke's right arm past the armpit to the back of Uke's collar. Tori grips Uke's collar with his palm up and the fingers inside the collar. Tori clamps Uke's right arm and drops his right knee to the mat as he slides his left hand under Uke's left shoulder and grips Uke's belt. Tori tightens the hold by lowering his hips and flattening his insteps on the mat. Tori should have "live toes". Uke attempts 3 escaping movements.

For Example:

1.Uke tries to slide down away from Tori, bridges, and twists to the right to pull his right arm out and thrust his left arm under Tori's chin.

2.Seizes Tori's belt with both hands, twists, bridges and tries to turn Tori over to Uke's left rear.

3.Uke pushes both of Tori's shoulders and body back as he tries to bring both legs up and over to hook Tori's thighs to escape.

3.Uke signals defeat. Tori releases the hold and slides both knees back a bit. Tori returns Uke's right arm to the mat alongside Uke as Tori raises his right knee. Tori moves back diagonally in the short entry step to the near position above Uke's head and assumes open Kyoshi. Tori moves back 2 Tsugi Ashi steps to the far position as Uke sits up and assumes the open Kyoshi, facing Tori, just as Tori is assuming the open Kyoshi. Both fix their Judogis, pause and Uke reclines (step 7 beginning movements) and assumes the lying-ready position to begin the next set.

NOTE: To signal Maitta (defeat), Uke taps Tori or the mat with the hand twice or the mat with either foot twice when the hands are not free.


Shime Waza

Kata Juji Jime

1.Tori stands, pivots 45 degrees to the right, and walks diagonally to the far position. Tori faces Uke, drops to his left knee and assumes the open Kyoshi. Tori advances 2 Tsugi Ashi steps to the near position and assumes the open Kyoshi.

2.Tori picks up Uke's right arm, (left hand palm up and right hand palm down) and places it on the mat alongside his left leg. Tori keeps his left hand on Uke's elbow as he moves his left knee in against Uke's body and grabs Uke's left lapel near the lower chest with his right hand. Opening the lapel outward, Tori places his left, thumb side, wrist against Uke's neck, over the carotid artery, and feeds the lapel over his fingers into his hand and grips the collar. Tori reaches across with his right hand, brushes Uke's left arm outward and up, to a position about 90 degrees from Uke's body, as Tori brings the right leg over to straddle Uke. Tori's right hand continues in a circular route around Uke's head. Placing the back of his hand, thumb up, against the right side of Uke's head, Tori pushes Uke's head to Uke's left, rolls the thumb side of his hand down toward Uke's collar taking his grip with the thumb inside. As Tori starts to apply the choke, he pulls Uke toward him and bends forward to place his head on the mat, bends his right hand away from Uke, and draws the left hand downward along the line of the neck to affect the choke.

3.Uke tries to escape by pressing or pushing Tori's arms, at the elbows, inward and bridging. Uke signals defeat by tapping either foot.

4.Tori disengages himself by removing the right hand grip, brushing Uke's left arm back to his side, while dismounting, and grabs Uke's left lapel with his right hand. Tori moves his left hand to Uke's elbow, then takes Uke's wrist in his right hand and places the arm back at Uke's side. Tori takes the short entry step back and assumes the open Kyoshi.

5.Tori moves back 2 Tsugi Ashi steps to the far position and assumes the open Kyoshi. Tori stands up, pivots 45 degrees to his left, and walks diagonally to the far position facing Uke's back. (NOTE: As Tori stands, Uke sits up into the sitting-ready position with the left leg bent and the sole of the left foot near the bent right knee joint.) Tori drops to the left knee and assumes the open Kyoshi, advances 2 Tsugi Ashi steps forward and assumes the open Kyoshi at the near position.

NOTE: To signal Maitta (defeat), Uke taps Tori or the mat with the hand twice or the mat with either foot twice when the hands are not free.


Hadaka Jime

1.Tori takes the short entry step in, and places his left hand, palm up, over Uke's left shoulder and off-balances Uke slightly to the rear. Tori puts his right arm around Uke's neck, thumb side of the wrist against Uke's carotid artery. As he clasps his right hand in his left, Tori puts his right cheek against Uke's left cheek, draws his left leg back to break Uke's balance even more to the rear, and applies the choke.

2.Uke tries to escape using at least one method.

For Example:

1.Uke grabs Tori's right upper sleeve with both hands and tries to pull downward to relieve the choke.

2.Using both hands to pull Tori's right arm upward to get under the arm.

3.Tries to turn inside the choke by pulling Tori's upper sleeve to the right with both hands and, using his left foot, twisting his body to the right.

3.Uke signals defeat by tapping either foot. Tori returns Uke to the upright position, by moving forward a bit on the left knee, and releases Uke by unclasping his hands. Tori moves back the short entry step and assumes the open Kyoshi in the near position. Tori takes 1 Tsugi Ashi step backward and assumes the open Kyoshi. Then Tori takes 1 Tsugi Ashi step forward and assumes the open Kyoshi.

NOTE: To signal Maitta (defeat), Uke taps Tori or the mat with the hand twice or the mat with either foot twice when the hands are not free.


Okuri Eri Jime

1.Tori takes the short entry step in, slips his left hand under Uke's armpit, seizes the left lapel, opens it, and pulls it downward. Tori places his right arm over Uke's right shoulder and around the neck to place the thumb side of the right wrist against Uke's carotid artery. Using the left hand, Tori feeds the collar into his right hand. Tori grips with his right hand, thumb inside, releases the grip with his left hand and, with the left hand, grips Uke's right collar close to his own right wrist. Tori lowers himself to place his right cheek against Uke's left cheek, draws his left leg back to break Uke's balance to the rear, and applies the choke.

2.Uke tries to escape using at least one method.

For Example:

1.Uke pulls downward with both hands on Tori's right upper, outer sleeve and tries to regain his balance.

2.Uke tries to turn into the choke, pulling up and out with both hands, in order to twist, using the left foot, and get out under the arm.

3.Uke pulls his own left lapel downward to relieve the choke.

4.Uke signals defeat by tapping either foot. Tori returns Uke to the upright position, by moving forward a bit on the left knee, and releases Uke by unclasping his hands. Tori moves back the short entry step and assumes the open Kyoshi in the near position. Tori takes 1 Tsugi Ashi step backward and assumes the open Kyoshi. Then Tori takes 1 Tsugi Ashi step forward and assumes the open Kyoshi.

NOTE: To signal Maitta (defeat), Uke taps Tori or the mat with the hand twice or the mat with either foot twice when the hands are not free.


Kata Ha Jime

1.Tori takes the short entry step in, slips his left hand under Uke's armpit, seizes the left lapel, opens it, and pulls it downward. Tori places his right arm over Uke's right shoulder and places the thumb side of the right wrist against Uke's carotid artery on the right side of Uke's neck and turns Uke's neck and head as a unit to the left to accept the left collar. Using the left hand, Tori feeds the collar into his right hand. Tori grips with his right hand releases the grip with his left hand and sweeps the left hand out in a circular path to the left, to Uke's elbow, then upward as Tori straightens his body upward. As Tori's hand rises to the height of Uke's head, he then thrusts his hand to the right behind Uke's neck, thrusting the Katana hand, palm down, beneath Tori's right arm and above Uke's shoulder. Simultaneously, Tori moves his right leg slightly to the right rear, to unbalance Uke, and applies the choke.

2.Uke tries to escape using at least one method.

For Example:

1.Uke grasps his own left wrist with his right hand and tries to force Tori's hand down and to the right as Uke tries to turn his body to the right using his left foot.

3.Uke signals defeat by tapping either foot. Tori returns Uke to the upright position, by moving forward a bit on the right foot, and releases Uke. Tori moves back the short entry step and assumes the open Kyoshi in the near position. Tori takes 2 Tsugi Ashi steps backward and assumes the open Kyoshi.

NOTE: To signal Maitta (defeat), Uke taps Tori or the mat with the hand twice or the mat with either foot twice when the hands are not free.


Gyaku Juji Jime

1.Tori stands, pivots 45 degrees to the right, and walks diagonally to the far position as Uke simultaneously reclines and assumes the lying-ready position. Tori faces Uke, drops to his left knee and assumes the open Kyoshi. Tori advances 2 Tsugi Ashi steps to the near position and assumes the open Kyoshi.

2.Tori takes the short entry step, picks up Uke's arm (left hand, palm up, on Uke's elbow and right hand, palm down, on Uke's wrist) and places it 90 degrees from Uke near Tori's left leg. Tori puts his left knee against Uke's armpit and, with his left hand on Uke's elbow reaches across Uke's body and grabs Uke's right collar in his right hand. Tori opens Uke's collar outward as he places his left, thumb-side, wrist against Uke's left side carotid artery and, with the right hand, feeds the collar over and into his left grip. Tori brushes Uke's left arm up and out to about a 90 degree angle while straddling Uke. (NOTE: Tori does not move his hand in the circular path he used in Kata Juji Jime.) Tori moves his right hand from Uke's left arm to a point above Uke's chest and then across toward Uke's right carotid, placing his right, thumb-side wrist against Uke's right side carotid artery. With his fingers inside Uke's collar, pointing directly behind Uke, Tori grips the collar, curls his wrists toward his own chest and applies the choke.

3.Uke tries to escape by pushing Tori's elbows, left hand pushes upward and the right hand pushes inward, and turning Tori to Tori's left. Tori rolls with the motion to the left side of his back, pulling Uke with both hands and, keeping Uke's neck close, continues the choke holding Uke's body between his feet.

4.Uke signals defeat by tapping either foot. Both roll back to the basic form. Tori releases the hold and, brushing back Uke's left arm with his right hand, dismounts by bringing the right leg over with Tori's left hand still gripping Uke's upper left lapel and grabs Uke's mid left lapel with the right hand. Releasing the grip on Uke's left collar, Tori moves back a bit, moves his left hand to Uke's right elbow and then his right hand to Uke's wrist. Tori places Uke's right arm back at his side, takes the short entry step back, and assumes the open Kyoshi.

5.Tori moves back 2 Tsugi Ashi steps to the far position and assumes the open Kyoshi. Tori stands up, pivots 45 degrees to his left, and walks diagonally to the far position as Uke sits up and assumes the open Kyoshi, facing Tori, just as Tori is assuming the open Kyoshi. Both fix their Judogis, pause and Uke reclines (step 7 beginning movements) and assumes the lying-ready position to begin the next set.

NOTE: To signal Maitta (defeat), Uke taps Tori or the mat with the hand twice or the mat with either foot twice when the hands are not free.


Kansetsu Waza

Ude Garami

1.Tori stands, pivots 45 degrees to the right, and walks diagonally to the far position. Tori faces Uke, drops to his left knee and assumes the open Kyoshi. Tori advances 2 Tsugi Ashi steps to the near position and assumes the open Kyoshi. Tori takes the short entry step, picks up Uke's arm (and left hand, palm up, on Uke's elbow and right hand, palm down, on Uke's wrist) and places it 90 degrees from Uke near Tori's left leg.

2.Tori moves closer. Uke tries to grab Tori's right lapel with the left hand as Tori's left knee touches Uke's side. Tori wedges his right knee against Uke's body and, with the little finger side of his left wrist, deflects Uke's left wrist. Simultaneously, with the thumb side of his right wrist, Tori bends Uke's elbow and traps it against Uke's left side as Tori bends forward, into Kuzuri Yoko Shiho Gatame, bringing Uke's hand back onto the mat. Tori threads his right hand over his left wrist, grabs his left wrist and applies the Ude Garami joint lock.

3.Uke tries to escape using at least one method.

For Example:

1.Uke tries to bring his left arm inward and bridges onto his right side.

2.Uke bridges to his left and tries to grab his left wrist with his right hand in order to pull the hand toward the center of his chest to relieve the joint lock.

4.Unable to escape, Uke signals defeat. Tori releases the hold, places Uke's left arm by his side, moves back a bit and takes Uke's right arm, with left hand on the elbow and the right hand on the wrist, and moves it back to Uke's side. Tori takes the short entry step back to the near position and assumes the open Kyoshi. Tori takes 1 Tsugi Ashi step backward and assumes the open Kyoshi. Then Tori takes 1 Tsugi Ashi step forward and assumes the open Kyoshi.

NOTE: To signal Maitta (defeat), Uke taps Tori or the mat with the hand twice or the mat with either foot twice when the hands are not free.


Ude Hishigi Juji Gatame

1.Tori takes the short entry step in to attack, but Uke tries to grab Tori's left lapel. Tori immediately grabs Uke's right wrist, first with the right hand then with the left hand below the right hand, pulling the arm upward and turning the back of Uke's hand toward Tori's own chest. Tori slides his right foot under Uke's right armpit, with the ankle against the armpit, and leans the right shin down onto Uke's chest to control Uke as he brings his left leg in a tight arc around Uke's head to the left side of Uke's neck, pinning Uke's neck and shoulder complex between his ankles.

2.Continuing to pull Uke's arm towards his own head, Tori sits down as close to his right heel as possible and, lying back, clamps his knees together tightly trapping Uke's right arm. Tori raises his hips and applies the joint technique by pulling Uke's hand in a diagonal direction to Tori's chest and to the right.

3.Uke tries to escape by using at least 1 method.


1.Uke bridges and twists to the right and tries to pull his right arm and shoulder out and down to the mat.

4.Unable to escape, Uke signals defeat. Pulling Uke's hand towards Tori's own head, Tori comes to a sitting position. Keeping his right hand grip on Uke's right wrist, Tori places his left hand on the mat just to the left of his own hip. Supporting his weight on this hand and his right foot, Tori slides his left foot, in an arc, from around Uke's head and moves it back to bring the left knee under his own hip. Tori moves back slightly, places Uke's right arm along Uke's side, moves back the short entry step to the near position and assumes the open Kyoshi. Tori takes 1 Tsugi Ashi step backward and assumes the open Kyoshi. Then Tori takes 1 Tsugi Ashi step forward and assumes the open Kyoshi.

NOTE: To signal Maitta (defeat), Uke taps Tori or the mat with the hand twice or the mat with either foot twice when the hands are not free.


Ude Hishigi Ude Gatame

1.Tori takes the short entry step in, picks up Uke's arm (and left hand, palm up, on Uke's elbow and right hand, palm down, on Uke's wrist) and places it 90 degrees from Uke near Tori's left leg and moves in with his left knee against Uke's body. Uke attacks with his left arm to grab Tori's right lapel. Tori bends and lowers his body causing Uke to overshoot the lapel as Tori clamps Uke's left wrist between his right jaw and right shoulder. Tori places his right hand on Uke's left elbow joint then places his left hand over his right as Tori wedges his right shin against Uke's midsection.

2.Tori straightens up a bit, to stretch out Uke's arm, and brings Uke's trapped arm in an upward scooping motion as Tori twists slightly to the left to apply the arm lock.

3.Uke tries to escape by at least 1 method.

For Example:

1.Uke tries to pull his left arm downward by moving in toward Tori and twisting to the left.

4.Unable to escape, Uke signals defeat. Tori places Uke's left arm along Uke's side and moves back slightly. With left hand on the elbow and the right hand on the wrist, Tori picks up Uke's right arm and places it along Uke's side, moves back the short entry step to the near position and assumes the open Kyoshi. Tori takes 2 Tsugi Ashi steps backward to the far position and assumes the open Kyoshi.

NOTE: To signal Maitta (defeat), Uke taps Tori or the mat with the hand twice or the mat with either foot twice when the hands are not free.


Ude Hishigi Hiza Gatame

1.Tori stands up, pivots 45 degrees to his left, and walks diagonally to the far position as Uke sits up and assumes the open Kyoshi, facing Tori, just as Tori is assuming the open Kyoshi. Tori moves 2 Tsugi Ashi steps forward to the near position and assumes the open Kyoshi. Both Uke and Tori move forward a bit taking a right standard grip.

2.Tori puts his left arm under Uke's right arm reaching up and over it, gathering it up under Tori's left arm, and clamping Uke's right wrist under Tori's armpit while cupping Uke's arm a little above the elbow. Tori moves his left foot in near Uke's right foot, breaking Uke's balance to the left front corner. Tori places his right foot on Uke's upper thigh area, near the pelvis, and going back on the right side of his back, Tori maintains the right hand grip and left hand cupping the elbow. Tori brings the left leg up to a position where the left foot is on Uke's hip near the belt line and the left knee is over Tori's own left hand, still cupped over Uke's elbow. Tori may have to push his own hips away from Uke in order to adjust his body position to allow his knee to be over the elbow. Tori applies the arm lock by pushing, with his left knee, downward against Uke's arm, twisting, pulling in with the right hand and pushing Uke's left leg out and up with the right foot.

3.Uke tries to escape by at least 1 method.

For Example:

1.Uke tries to move toward Tori and force his right arm past Tori to negate the arm lock.

4.Unable to escape, Uke signals defeat. Tori releases the arm lock and both Tori and Uke disengage themselves to about 1 1/2 ft. apart in the near position and both assume the open Kyoshi at the same time.

NOTE: To signal Maitta (defeat), Uke taps Tori or the mat with the hand twice or the mat with either foot twice when the hands are not free.




Ashi Garami

1.Both Uke and Tori stand simultaneously. Both then take a half step forward into a right Shizentai and take a right standard grip at the same time.

2.Tori Unbalances Uke forward, puts his left foot in between Uke's feet, and attempts Tomoe Nage. Uke steps forward with his right foot, near Tori's left armpit, and tries to pull Tori up off of the mat.

3.Tori goes with Uke's force and uses it to slide under Uke deeper. Tori changes his right foot to Uke's left inside knee (front and inner middle left thigh) and pushes Uke's left leg back and outward to Uke's left rear corner. Tori twists his hips to the right and brings his left leg out to the side then up and over Uke's right leg to thrust the left foot across Uke's abdomin. As Uke, off balanced, falls forward to the mat, Tori applies the lock by twisting more to the right, straightening the left leg and pulling with both hands.

4.Uke tries to escape by at least 1 method.

For Example:

1.Uke tries to turn to the left to allow him to bend his right leg and tries to withdraw it.

5.Unable to escape, Uke signals defeat. Tori releases the lock and both Tori and Uke disengage themselves, with Tori getting up about 3 ft. away, and both assume the open Kyoshi.

6.Uke maintains the open Kyoshi as Tori takes 2 Tsugi Ashi steps back and assumes the open Kyoshi.

7.As Tori maintains the open Kyoshi, Uke takes 1 Tsugi Ashi step back and assumes the open Kyoshi. Tori and Uke both fix their Judogi.

NOTE: To signal Maitta (defeat), Uke taps Tori or the mat with the hand twice or the mat with either foot twice when the hands are not free.


Closing Movements

1.Tori and Uke, simultaneously, move to a closed Kyoshi and then stand in a Shizen Hontai facing each other.

2.Both take one step back, first the right foot then the left, into a closed posture, heels together and toes apart.

3.Both Uke and Tori drop to the left knee then the right knee and then sit on their feet to assume the Seiza position. Both pause for a second then perform the Zarei (kneeling bow). After the bow, Uke and Tori should pause in Seiza for a second before continuing.

4.Tori and Uke stand up, heels together and toes apart, and turn to face the Kamiza.

5.Tori and Uke both perform the Ritsurei (standing bow) to the Kamiza then, starting with the right foot then the left, walk backwards, Ayumi Ashi, to a point just outside the red warning zone and bow to the competition area. This concludes the Kata.


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