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Last Updated on Tuesday, 03 March 2015 23:47
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Nage-no-kata Standards
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Standardization of Nage-No-Kata for U.S. National Kata competition.
Reprinted from the United States Judo, Inc. National Kata Committee document of the same name.
General Information
Uki Otoshi
Seoi Nage
Kata Guruma
Uki Goshi
Harai Goshi
Tsurikomi Goshi
Okuri Ashi Harai
Sasae Tsurikomi Ashi
Uchi Mata
Tomoe Nage
Ura Nage
Sumi Gaeshi
Yoko Gake
Yoko Guruma
Uki Waza
General Information
•Officially, the judging of the Kata does not start until the two contestants are on the center of the mat, standing approximately 18 feet apart.
•Bows toward the Joseki (Judges) shall be done from a standing position. The hands will slide in front of the legs, approaching but not past the knees. Heels will be together while the toes are apart.
•Bows toward each other shall be done from the Seiza (kneeling) position.
•Tori and Uke do not turn their backs to the judges unless it is a more natural and efficient movement.
•Eliminate all unnecessary moving around.
•Tori must show breaking of Uke's balance on all techniques.
•Uke's responsibility in Tsugi-Ashi is not one of a passive nature. Once the attack is begun, Uke should continue to attack.
•Uke should not jump for Tori. Tori should be executing the throws.
•Uke's strikes are initiated by taking two Ayumi-Ashi steps, starting with the opposite foot of the striking arm.
•All of Uke's strikes must be aimed for the top of Tori's head. The strikes should not stop, but continue downward.
•An excellent source of reference for the study of Nage-No-Kata is the book Judo Formal Techniques by Tadao Otaki and Donn F. Draeger, published by the Charles E. Tuttle Co., Inc., Rutland, Vermont and Tokyo, Japan. •Another fine reference is the book Kodokan Judo by Jigaro Kano, published by Kodansha International/USA, LTD, Tokyo, Japan.
Beginning Movements
Tori and Uke take their position on the mat approximatly 18 feet apart. Uke is on the left side of the judges (as seen from the judges positions), Tori on the right. Both Tori and Uke make a standing bow to the judges, turn to each other, and make a kneeling bow to each other. After returning to the standing position, they then step forward, left foot then right, taking the fundamental natural posture (Shizenhantai). Both then walk toward the center of the mat, stopping at arm's distance apart.
The following is an explaination of the right side techniques only. Left side just interchanges right and left.
Te Waza
1. Uki Otoshi
Uke initiates the action by simultaneously stepping forward with the right foot, while taking the standard grip. Tori immediately responds to Uke's action by taking the standard grip and retreating three Tsugi-Ashi steps. Both Uke and Tori use Tsugi-Ashi movements. Tori makes each of the steps larger than the previous.
On the third movement, Tori executes Uki Otoshi. Tori does not turn his head, to follow Uke, during the throw. After completion of Uki Otoshi, Tori should have the left leg, knee to foot, at a 30 degree angle to the original line of movement. Tori's left foot should have 'live toes'. Tori's left and right foot should end up in the same line.
Uke executes Ukemi and lands at a slight angle to the line of movement with his head near Tori's left leg.
2. Ippon Seoi Nage
Uke and Tori start at approximately 6 feet apart, depending on the size of the contestants. Uke strikes Tori ( see General Information). As Tori steps forward with the right foot (in front of Uke's right foot), Tori deflects Uke's strike above Uke's elbow, using the left wrist area. The deflection movement is slightly outward and upward. Tori brings Uke off balance, as Tori pivots and brings the left foot back parallel to the right foot. Tori applies Seoi Nage.
3. Kata Guruma
Uke initiates the action, with a right grip and Tsugi Ashi, and Tori reacts in the same way as in Uki Otoshi.
Tori changes his left hand grip on the second step to the inside of Uke's upper arm. On the third step, when Tori applies Kata Guruma, Uke's body remains straight and Tori's side of neck is under Uke's belt. When throwing, Tori slides his left foot in towards his own right foot and throws Uke to tori's left front corner.
At the end of each set, Uke and tori return to their original positions, about 12 feet apart, to fix Judogis.
Koshi Waza
1. Uki Goshi
NOTE: On this technique, Tori applies a left technique the first time and a right technique the second time.
Uke and Tori start walking toward each other and, when about 6 feet apart, Uke strikes at the top of Tori's head, using his right fist. Tori steps in with his left foot and applies left Uki Goshi. Uke lands at Tori's left front corner.
NOTE: The second (right) Uki Goshi is begun about 6 feet apart.
2. Harai Goshi
Uke initiates the action, with a right grip and Tsugi Ashi, and Tori reacts in the same way as in Uki Otoshi.
On the second step, Tori changes his right hand to Uke's left shoulder blade from under Uke's armpit. On the third step, Tori steps back 1/2 stepin a small arc to turn in the direction of the throw as Tori applies Kuzushi. Tori off-balances Uke to Uke's right front corner and reaps the right leg from that position.
3. Tsurikomi Goshi
Uke initiates the action, with a right grip and Tsugi Ashi, as in Uki Goshi, but Tori takes a high grip (just behind Uke's ear). On the third step, Tori steps back with his left foot and then brings his right foot in front of Uke's right foot 1/2 way between Uke and Tori. Then Tori pivots, bringing his left foot back parallel to his right foot. As Tori pivots to throw , Tori must bend his knees deeply (not the back) and simultaneously unbalance Uke forward and to Uke's right front corner. Tori must keep Uke's back straight, even when being thrown. Uke lands straight in front of Tori. There is no hesitation or block by Uke on the second or third step.
At the end of each set, Uke and tori return to their original positions, about 12 feet apart, to fix Judogis.
Ashi Waza
1. Okuri Ashi Harai
Tori and Uke walk to the center of the mat (do not turn). Uke starts the motion by taking the standard right grip. Tori immediately takes control by taking Uke to Tori's right in Tsugi Ashi steps. Tori's third step is wider than the previous steps. Tori sweeps both of Uke's feet from right foot to left. Uke does not jump when the technique is applied.
2. Sasai Tsurikomi Ashi
Uke initiates the attack as in Uki Otoshi.
The timing of the three steps will be such that the second step will take longer than the first. The third step should immediately follow the second.
•1st step - Tori, using tsugi Ashi movement, steps back left foot then right.
•2nd step - Tori steps back with his left foot then moves the right foot at a 90 degree angle to Tori's right.
•3rd step - Tori's left foot blocks Uke's right foot as Uke takes the third step. Upon trhowing, Tori takes his left foot to his back left corner.
3. Uchi Mata
Uke and Tori start at 1 1/2 arms length in the center of the mat. Uke and Tori take a right natural posture, with Tori taking a high grip while Uke takes the regular grip. Uchi Mata is done in three steps in a circular motion. On the third step, Tori makes a half step in the same circular direction, unbalancing Uke completely and then reaps from that position with the right leg. Uke lands at about a 45 degree angle.
At the end of each set, Uke and tori return to their original positions, about 12 feet apart, to fix Judogis.
Masutemi Waza
NOTE: When applying Tomoe Nage and Sumi Gaeshi, Tori's foot should be up and in place, on Uke, before Tori goes down to the mat.
1. Tomoe Nage
Uke and Tori meet on Tori's side near the center of the mat and take a right natural posture, with both taking right natural grips. Tori steps forward with right foot and, at the same time, Uke takes a step backwards with the left foot. Tori then steps with left foot then right foot with Uke moving backwards.
On the third step, Uke resists Tori's push causing Uke's left foot to become parallel to the right. At this point, Tori brings the left foot to the right foot and, at the same time, Tori transfers the left hand grip from the sleeve to Uke's right lapel and unbalances Uke straight forward.
Tori places the ball of the right foot on Uke's lower left abdomen, while sacrificing himself to the mat and throws Uke in an arc over Tori's head. Uke takes an Ukemi and comes to a standing position.
2. Ura Nage
Uke and Tori are about 6 feet apart, depending on their size. Uke attempts to strike Tori. Tori steps in, left foot then right foot, while lowering his body. Tori executes Ura Nage, throwing Uke over Tori's left shoulder. Uke takes Ukemi over his own right shoulder and does not come to a standing position.
3. Sumi Gaeshi
Both Uke and Tori take a right Jigotai. When taking right defensive positions (right hand above elbow, left hand on scapula), Uke's and Tori's heads do not rest on or come in contact with the other person's shoulder.
On the first step, Tori makes a wide circular step with the right foot while attempting to unbalance Uke. Uke resists by attempting to straighten up and regain balance. Tori, using this acton, unbalances Uke further forward and upward and, simultaneously, Tori brings his left foot toward the right foot and executes Sumi Gaeshi. Uke executes Ukemi straight over Tori, not to the corner. Uke comes to a standing position.
At the end of each set, Uke and tori return to their original positions, about 12 feet apart, to fix Judogis.
Yoko Sutemi Waza
1. Yoko Gake
The Kuzushi in this technique is a gradual natural Kuzushi, not too strong. Uke attacks as in Uki Otoshi.
On the second step, Tori changes the direction of the Kuzushi by pushing inward against Uke's right elbow with his left hand, while Tori's right hand pushes across Uke to the right.
On the third step, Tori steps back with his left foot then his right, while unbalancing Uke to Uke's right front corner and bringing Uke onto Uke's right little toe. Tori shifts his weight onto his right foot then sacrifices his body to the mat taking Uke's right foot out with Tori's left foot, as Tori's body swings under Uke. This is not a sweeping motion with the leg.
Uke and Tori should land parallel to the line of movement. Tori should be lying directly on Tori's left side. Tori should retain his grip on Uke's right sleeve.
2. Yoko Guruma
Uke and Tori are about 6 feet apart, depending on their size.
Uke attacks the same as Ura Nage, but, when Tori comes in to execute Ura Nage, Uke escapes by bending forward at the waist. Tori uses Uke's motion to slide the right leg between Uke's legs and throws Uke in the direction of his bending. Uke executes Ukemi, coming to a standing position.
Upon completion, Tori and Uke return to the center of the mat approximately 6 feet apart depending on their size. Uke then attacks left side.
3. Uki Waza
Uke and Tori take a right defensive posture as in Sumi Gaeshi. Tori takes a wide circular step with his right foot. Uke resists Tori's Kuzushi by attempting to straighten somewhat from Jigotai while stepping in an arc with his left foot. As Uke attempts to step forward with his right foot, Tori executes Uki Waza. Uke should land at a 45 degree angle. After the right side technique is completed, Uke walks back to tori, in the center of the mat, and then does the left side.
At the end of each set, Uke and tori return to their original positions, about 12 feet apart, to fix Judogis.
Uke and Tori face each other, step back right foot then left, make a kneeling bow to each other, stand, turn to the judges, make a standing bow. You should finish where you started the Kata. When the bows are completed, the judging of this Kata is finished.